
Time is of the essence for Quebecers to act. We need to band together to send a loud message to our government, be it through social media, traditional media or by contacting our elected officials. We cannot allow a premier to deny our children their freedom to choose what careers they want to pursue, not because of their skills, talents, dreams but because of their faith. This will only serve to embolden those who already hold prejudicial views to perpetuate faith-based discrimination and exclusion in the workplace. What impact will that have on the next generation of Quebecers?

Governments seeking to make laws that will disrupt the lives of members of large swaths of the population should at the very least have the courtesy to consult with those communities. That was not done. That in itself speaks volumes. If Legault wanted to plan a mass exodus or wanted to smear Quebec’s reputation on the world stage and make us the laughing stock of late night talk shows, again, he wouldn’t have to do a whole lot differently.

Quebec’s reputation as an open and inclusive society is at risk here. But this is about more than just our reputation. It’s about our freedoms, our rights and our ability to flourish as a free and open society.

Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed: Religious symbols bill is a colossal mistake

Tens of Thousands flooded the streets in downtown Montreal to say NO for the discriminating bill