Read moreSadaqat al-fitr is obligatory upon every Muslim who is self-supporting, if he has one saa’ or more than he needs of food for himself and his family on the day and night of Eid.

5th Ramadan Quran Competition | 5ème concours de Coran du Ramadan 2022
Last update: April 6th, 2021 Al-Madinah Quran Academy is pleased to announce the 4th Ramadan Quran Competition that will be performed online (using the Zoom online platform). The competition is open to all residents of the Quebec Province, Canada. To register:...
Registration for the Children LEADERS Program
Al-Madinah Center is providing a short program that will instill Leadership skills in our children from a young age (7-11 years old) Different activities will be used to teach those skills The sessions will be every Sunday 3:30pm-4.30pm at the center, starting from...
Registration is open now for Al-Madinah Arabic School (2022 – 2023)
Al-Madinah Arabic School is happy to announce that our weekend classes are open again for all classes. It was a hard COVID-19 year and we had to struggle to offer our classes. We are looking forward for a more fruitful year. Please check this page to register:...
Al-Madinah Center and Jazira Mosque – Summer Day camp (2022): Sun and Fun !
Help our kids get fit and active throughout the summer Al-Madinah Camp highlights the importance of getting our campers out every day and stretch their muscles. We start our days with some indoor reading, talk, discussion to gain better understanding of self-esteem...
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