Webinaire: Troubles de language chez l’enfant

Webinaire: Troubles de language chez l’enfant

Le centre Al-madinah vous invite à assister à une rencontre web pour sœurs. Joignez-vous à notre webinaire mensuel qui se tiendra le 6 Marsad, 2021 présenté par Foula Cherifi. Foula est titulaire d’une maîtrise en orthophonie et pratique depuis plusieurs années....
Quran Teaching Online (One to One)

Quran Teaching Online (One to One)

Al-Madinah Center is pleased to offer a new learning service. One to One Quran teaching online to make it easy for anyone to learn in privacy and comfort. To register: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AlMadinahCenter/services/    

The meaning of Fidya is an expiation or compensation donation, paid by individuals who cannot fulfill the obligation of fasting due to illness or old age.

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Sadaqat al-fitr is obligatory upon every Muslim who is self-supporting, if he has one saa’ or more than he needs of food for himself and his family on the day and night of Eid.

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Summer Day camp (2021): Sun and Fun !

Summer Day camp (2021): Sun and Fun !

Help our kids get fit and active throughout the summer Al-Madinah Camp highlights the importance of getting our campers out every day and stretch their muscles. You can register at this link. We start our days with some indoor reading, talk, discussion to gain better...