Do you like to help?
We are calling on your generosity and may Allah reward you. This is how to help:
- You can donate to sponsor the iftar, at this link:…
- You can donate meals. Please contact us for more information about this option.
- You can volunteer to prepare or serve the iftar, please email or fill in the following form:
One can sponsor one full day, participate in sponsoring a day or offer few meals a day. Allah is the only one who rewards so do not hesitate to give even part of a meal. The meal costs between $5 and $6 per day and the full iftar costs about ($800- $1000).
Sponsor a full day iftar:[paypal-donation purpose=”Ramadan Iftar” reference=”Full day” amount=”1000″] |
Sponsor 50 meals: [paypal-donation purpose=”Ramadan Iftar” reference=”50 full meals” amount=”300″] |
Sponsor 20 meals: [paypal-donation purpose=”Ramadan Iftar” reference=”20 meals” amount=”120″] |
Sponsor 10 meals: [paypal-donation purpose=”Ramadan Iftar” reference=”10 meals” amount=”60″] |
All donations are tax deductible.
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