Quran Teaching Online (One to One)

Quran Teaching Online (One to One)

Al-Madinah Center is pleased to offer a new learning service. One to One Quran teaching online to make it easy for anyone to learn in privacy and comfort. To register: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AlMadinahCenter/services/    

The meaning of Fidya is an expiation or compensation donation, paid by individuals who cannot fulfill the obligation of fasting due to illness or old age.

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Sadaqat al-fitr is obligatory upon every Muslim who is self-supporting, if he has one saa’ or more than he needs of food for himself and his family on the day and night of Eid.

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Ramadan (1441-2020) Moubarak

Home About us Vision Health and Safety Policy Volunteers Latest News Our activities Our departments Arabic School Quran Center Zakat Distribution Orphan Project Scholarships Summer Day Camp Ramadan (1441-2020) Zakat-ul-Fitr (2020) Fidya / Kaffara (2020) Iftar /...
Eid Fitr Moubarak (2019-1440)

Eid Fitr Moubarak (2019-1440)

The Eid was declared in Montreal to be on Tuesday June 4th, 2019. May Allah grant you all joyous days. May Allah accept your deeds in Ramadan.
1440/2019: Ramadan Moubarak

1440/2019: Ramadan Moubarak

May Allah make this blessed month a season of peace and blessings for all humanity. Ramadan starts on May 6th, 2019 (Monday)